Pentesting & Security Assessments for Applications and IT Infrastructures

15+ years of experience in hacking and improving the security of applications and IT infrastructures, with a proven track record.

Benefit from proven hacking methods and techniques employed by real hackers.

We provide certified penetration tests of all types and scales, tailored to suit both large and small organizations across various industries.

Tailored advice before, during, and after a pentest, attuned to your needs, goals, and requirements.


Pentesting Features

Safeguard your company's and customers' data to uphold your reputation and prevent the compromise of sensitive information.


Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment

Our team conducts thorough manual and automated checks to detect all types of vulnerabilities, including SQL injections, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), weak passwords, and hidden files.


Flexible Testing Options

Choose between one-time assessments, re-tests, or periodic security checks tailored to your preferences. We're committed to finding the right solution for your needs.


Proven Track Record

With a track record of successfully assisting over 350+ organizations ranging from multinationals to small businesses, public entities, and non-profits, we have demonstrated our expertise.


Diverse Reporting Options

Access a range of report formats, including detailed developer reports, concise management summaries, and reports aligned with OWASP Top 10, PCI-DSS, DigiD, and other compliance requirements.


Dedicated Support

Benefit from personalized assistance throughout the pentesting process, from initial intake and planning to testing, report discussion, vulnerability remediation, and re-testing.


Expert Manual Code Review

Our certified pentesters (OSCP, OSWE, OSEP, eCPTXv2) and web development specialists offer manual code analysis and static code assessment to identify and address security flaws.


Technology-Agnostic Support

We provide expertise across various web technologies, including PHP, .NET, Java, and mobile apps, cloud platforms, and network infrastructures.


Tailored Pentesting

Our customized assessments adapt to your research objectives, specifications, and available information, utilizing approaches such as black-box, grey-box, white-box, and time/budget-box testing.


Security Trustmark Logo

Display the Web Security Scan Trustmark logo on your website to signal your commitment to data security and enhance consumer confidence, provided you meet the requisite standards.

Enhance the security of your applications and network infrastructure

Identify potential threats and vulnerabilities in your web applications and IT infrastructure. Explore the possibilities of a customized penetration test tailored to your unique situation and business requirements.

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What is a pentest, and why should you have it performed??

A pentest, or penetration test, is a simulated cyberattack on your system, network, or web application, conducted by trained security experts. The purpose of a pentest is to identify security flaws and vulnerabilities before malicious hackers can exploit them. Using the same techniques and methods as real attackers, but in a controlled and safe manner, the test ensures thorough assessment. Here are some reasons to conduct a pentest:

  • Identification of Vulnerabilities: A pentest helps detect weak points in your security that might otherwise go unnoticed. This includes both known vulnerabilities and new threats.
  • Prevention of Breaches and Data Protection: By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities, you reduce the risk of data breaches, business disruptions, and reputational damage resulting from a cyberattack.
  • Improvement of Security Measures: The results of a pentest provide valuable insights and recommendations for enhancing your current security measures and policies.
  • Compliance with Regulations and Standards: Many industries require regular security testing to comply with laws and regulations such as GDPR, PCI-DSS, NIS2, and other compliance standards. A pentest can help meet these requirements.
  • Building Trust with Customers and Partners: Demonstrating proactive efforts in securing your systems builds trust with customers and partners, which is crucial for maintaining business relationships.
  • Continuous Improvement: As cyber threats constantly evolve, regular pentesting is essential to stay ahead of emerging risks. Pentests offer valuable insights into your current security posture, allowing you to continuously improve and prepare for new threats.

Approximately 86% of Web Applications Harbor Vulnerabilities

According to the latest statistics from the WhiteHat Security Application Security Statistics Report, approximately 86% of web applications contain at least one vulnerability.

Recommended by the National Cyber Security Centre

The Dutch government's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends conducting periodic black-box scans as a vital technical audit measure, scanning the full functionality of web applications. This guidance is outlined in the ICT-Security Guidelines for Web Applications.

“A black-box scan closely mirrors a hacker's methodology as the scanner operates without prior knowledge of the web application under test. Tools designed for black-box scans, such as Web Application Scanners (WAS), conduct a comprehensive array of tests on web applications. These tests include various forms of SQL injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), among others.”



Expertise in Web Development

Web Security Scan operates under the umbrella of DongIT, leveraging our extensive knowledge and experience in both security assessments/pentests and the development of secure web applications. This synergy allows us to apply insights from web development to pentesting and vice versa, enhancing the quality of our service.

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Integration of Manual and Automated Testing


Our approach involves direct interaction with your web application to scrutinize its behavior. Unlike many other security services, we don't solely rely on automated tools. Instead, we employ a balanced blend of manual and automated testing methodologies to ensure the most precise and comprehensive results.

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Utilization of Proven Hacking Techniques


As seasoned IT security professionals specializing in web application security, we deploy established hacking methods, techniques, and software commonly employed by real hackers. This ensures a robust defense strategy for securing your web applications.