Source Code Quality Check: Security Code Review and Static Code Analysis
Maintaining the source code quality during the development of a web application can be a difficult task. This becomes even more difficult in large projects where multiple developers with different coding styles and different approaches to problems work on the same code. Errors and inconsistencies can creep in, resulting in confusing and poorly maintainable code, security risks and vulnerabilities.
Are you looking for quality assurance of software projects or would you like to have the quality of the programming code assessed? Web Security Scan supports you in your development processes by means of a security code review or a static code analysis on the source code.

Static Code Analysis on PHP Source Code
A static code analysis provides additional security about the security of the programming code, because every line of code is checked for security errors, vulnerabilities and compliance violations by means of algorithms. Findings are delivered in a report with recommendations to further harden the application code. Costs of a static code analysis vary between € 600,- and € 900,- depending on the number of source code lines measured in KLOC (thousand (kilo) lines of code).
Security Code Review
Developing and securing a web application requires an accurate way of working. Every missing step allows the application to be exploited by hackers. Web Security Scan performs manual security code reviews to detect security flaws and vulnerabilities in the source code. When vulnerable code leads to risky situations, the programming errors and inconsistencies can also removed from the code by our specialists, if desired. This will create a cleaner, up-to-date, more maintainable and better protected source code.
Code Inspection
Are you in the process of taking over a web application or components of programmed code from a third party and you want an independent opinion on the quality of the code? Web Security Scan can provide an overall assessment of the quality, maintainability and security status of the code by means of a code inspection.
Would you like to discuss the possibilities for a static code analysis, security code review or code inspection? For example, would you like a security code review in combination with a penetration test? Request a quote or contact us.
Security Review Code Extensions for Certification Purposes
For software providers and other commercial vendors that need a code extension or just a part of the source code to get certified for an audit (i.e. for Third Party Memorandums), Web Security Scan performs security code reviews. Our experts analyze the software's source code, identify programming mistakes, security vulnerabilities, check for regulatory compliance and demonstrate where and how to fix and improve the code.
Benefits of a Security Code Review
A security code review is an important control function during application development or re-development, which contributes to the security and quality of the code. By source code investigation security risks can be discovered and resolved, ultimately leading to saving time and money. Often programming errors are not visible at first glance. However, when critical vulnerabilities exist within the code, security could be at stake.
Experience shows looking at the source code afresh leads to new perspectives. Security flaws are detected, and the code is partially validated again, finding invalid logic and inconsistencies. Web Security Scan carries out single or periodic security code reviews, regardless of the application's current stage. With code reviews possible security weaknesses and vulnerabilities are extensively examined in order to prevent future abuse of the application. Information derived from a code review also functions as a base for prevention of information leaks and protection of business-critical processes.
Expertise in Web Security and Web Development
Our security specialists that carry out PHP code reviews are experts in both web development and web security. Through the powerful combination of these expertises our specialists have the knowledge in-house to recognize security threats and know how these can be exploited. With a hacker's mindset, systematic research is performed to detect and analyze security risks.
When the found programming errors severely threaten the security, Web Security Scan can offer support for fixing the source code. The security and robustness of the code will improve, while also preventing security threats. The sooner programming errors and security vulnerabilities are detected, the less it will cost to fix them.