What's the difference between us and other service providers?

Expertise in Penetration Testing

The effectiveness of a penetration test depends on the skills of the security researchers conducting it. At DongIT, we employ only highly educated, certified, and experienced researchers. Our focus is on manual testing methods, where our experts thoroughly analyze the behavior and structure of a web application and its underlying systems. This results in a customized and highly effective penetration test, ensuring you receive the most comprehensive and accurate results.

Manual Testing Methods vs. Automated Tools

Many other service providers rely heavily on fully automated security tools, also known as 'point-and-shoot' tools. These tools often make critical assumptions about the web application, which can lead to certain functionalities being incorrectly scanned or missed altogether. Moreover, the findings from these tools are often not correctly interpreted or contextualized by the researchers. At DongIT, we place extra emphasis on these aspects. Each finding is carefully assessed in the context of the test object, providing a more complete and accurate picture of the security status.

In-Depth Knowledge of Web Security and Development

Thanks to our extensive expertise in both web security and web development, we can also analyze security based on the source code. We understand where programmers can make security errors during the development process. Unlike other service providers, our researchers can perform a penetration test using the source code to identify vulnerabilities at no extra cost. This ensures a deep and thorough security analysis, optimally protecting your systems against cyberattacks.

Choose our services for a detailed, contextual, and effective security test of your web applications and systems.